Memorabilia/Premiers Story


Logo on commencement announcement

    A 1964 sweater still holds its color     

Prom ticket

  The torch passes from the S'64 to the   W'65 class. 

Girls letter sweater

     Premiers Class History 

                           (author or authors unknown)

                              At O.V. and at San Fernando, it all started there.   We all entered brand new Sylmar High, the first B-10ʼs enrolled here.                               No one knew their way around the school, but we really didnʼt mind. All the guys went out to join a team and our Drill Team girls did fine.  In the B-11 was the year our sponsor we did choose.  The first class officers for us also made the news.                      Skoczylas, Sinclair, Avakian and Clayton Pennington, too.  All vowed that they would do their best for the top class in the school.        In the A-11 sweater styles and colors were reviewed. When the votes were tallied it was true that our class all wanted blue.                  Noblesse Oblige was the motto that our class would live up to.  And suddenly all things on campus were strangely turning blue.          Baker, Olin, Daston, Skoczylas and the four song leaders new. All were chosen for the B-12, the yell-kings were picked, too.                Who can forget the Chaldeans when the rock was brought in green. It would very quickly turn to blue every time that it was seen.    In the B-12 came the sweater day with its assembly and games.  It was then that Mooney drank two cokes (at the same time) and began the Premier fame.                              

Then we had a big tug-of-war and the Premiers won that, too.  We had reached the upper echelon: Seniors we were now. Itʼs true.     The day soon came for the B-12ʼs to have their sweater day.  Their mascot looked like all the rest, only had hair made of hay.                              When it came to pulling on the rope the Premiers let it pass by . But we showed them how to have some fun when Duda ate that PIE!!!  Nowotarski, Daston, Andersen, and Barb. Balsamo, too,  Were voted into their office to serve the Premiers who                    Rejoiced that they were now A-12ʼs. Someone painted our name on the gym   And some of the trash cans in the quad had a nice bright aqua rim.  At the Prom the Premier gals again showed their beauty was the best.  Five were picked for the queenʼs royal court; they stood out from all the rest. The red carpet remained tightly wrapped as Dianna took her throne  And poor Mr. Hamilton tripped on it, but he claimed no broken bone. In a few days we will graduate to leave Sylmar High for good. Many teachers and good friends remain--some of us wish that we could.  But weʼll say goodbye without a tear  As the big day now draws near,                               But weʼll leave you with this one last claim---                              SYLMAR HIGH WONʼT BE THE SAME!!!!!